Friday, April 27, 2018

Where i´m from

Where I’m From
By Alex Gillmore

I am from Dump trucks,
From Mack and Peterbilt.
  • loading the dirt and unloading,
  • cleaning the truck to make it shine,
  • always getting woke up to the loud sound.
I am from the Brick, around the house.
(red, glossed, it smelled like rock.)
  • conducted by my father and grandpa,
  • gathering brick to set up,
  • collaborating together to get it placed right.
I am from Oak trees , Cornrows,
 Tall, broad and straight rows.
  • imaging all the different colored leaves,
  • glistening from the sunlight ,
  • swaying with the wind.
I'm from farming and slow talking
From Jerry and Gwen.
  • Delivering good words,
  • slowly moving tractors,
  • working hard.
I'm from the hard working and
the first up and last down,
  • always on time,
  • allowing only 100%,
  • hustled everywhere we go.
From hurry up and good job!
  • moving at a fast pace,
  • thinking positively,
  • mostly energetic.
I'm from the baptist hymnal,
            with a bible
and the Lord's prayer i can say on my own.                               
  • delivering a good message,
  • speaking with honest truth,
  • encouraging one another.
I'm from Newport and Audrey's branch,
      fried chicken falling off the bone
           and sweet tea just made.
  • frying up the chicken to a golden look,
  • sweetening the tea just right,
  • devouring the good food.
From the hard working soul of my grandfather
the caring heart of my mother who never failed to make me smile,  
  • caring for everyone,
  • being loved by everyone,
  • hardworking all the time.
in the hallway closet was a big bin
overflowing with pictures
all of faces before me and with me
  as it takes me back to the good times and memories of loved ones
  • overflowed pictures of love,
  • enjoying the memories,
  • remembering good times.
  • I am from those moments--
of loving and caring for one another--
becoming more like my old man each day.

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