Friday, February 9, 2018

What is Crohn´s Disease

Crohn´s Disease is A chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the digestive tract.
It causes inflammation of your digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition. Almost three weeks ago I was diagnosed with Crohns, there is many symptoms believe me but there are ways to make those symptoms not flame up,
click to get the inside details on Crohns disease.

¨Scientists believe that Crohn's disease is caused by a combination of these factors:
  • Immune system problems
  • Genetics
Environmental factors¨  yes there is more causes, click here to see them all  however the scientist over this disease believe the three biggest causes of crohns are the three above. Yes I would have to agree because my mother has something very similar and I have immune system problems as well. I havent studied all that much on the disease but I can assure that it is not something you want to go through. 

I have many symptoms I do not like but however I handle them, I can control them by watching what I eat. If I eat something bad and my symptoms flame up them I am in pain for about 4-6 days. According the the web page above ¨Lots of people have stomach cramps with diarrhea or constipation. It’s uncomfortable, but you usually get over it and forget about it.¨  I do agree with them because I have went through some of these symptoms and my doctor has said the same thing to me.

Overall, Crohns is not something to mess with, it can lead to colon cancer or to the point where you carry a bag around on your hip. It can be a severe disease if you dont follow the doctors instructions and stay away from the foods that will flame the symptoms up. It is easy to handle if you do what is told and dont eat the foods your supposed to keep away from.


  1. That does not sound very fun at all. i have an enzyme deficencyin my liver so i have had to watch what i eat as well

    1. That's good that you know how to take care of it.

    2. ya so people with crohns maybe dont have to suffer as much

  2. that sounds horrible, i know someone who has this as well they have to be very careful what they eat as well.

  3. I knew a family member who had that same disease and they always looked in pain, i feel bad for whoever has that.

  4. I know someone who never watched what they ate, he over eats really bad, and it eventually lead to colon cancer.

    1. Who knew it could lead to something that severe.

  5. That seems like it would be very hurtful and hard to live with.

    1. ya it does sound like a lot of pain over a long period of time

  6. It's good that you know how to handle them!

  7. its good that you know how to handle this.

  8. It would suck having to watch what you eat all the time.
