Yes, there was some people confess, but that could´ve been the best answer for that time in 1690. however, did they ever find an actual person with enough evidence to say that he/she was the cause of the 1690 Salem witch trails. They did find enough evidence to bring the LSD drug and the moldy ry substances into effect. Shared by (Rebecca Endicott) ¨Today, the most promising theory is one first floated in the 1970s, when a young psychology student named Linnda Caporael noticed the similarities between the girls’ symptoms and the effects of the drug LSD.¨ To sum up Something tells me that the LSD drug has some effect with the Salem witch trials.
¨According to PBS, experts now believe that the symptoms were caused by ergot, a fungus that can taint rye grain crops, especially if the harvest season is humid.¨ However now people believe the symptoms were caused by moldy rye and if you ask me i would have to agree. the experts that documented all of this are spot on if you ask me.
To end my post, i find it very hard not to believe the facts that have been discovered recently about the LSD drug and the Moldy rye being the reason of the Salem witch trials. i come to believe that because they are spot on with their documents of data where as they had no final person the could accuse in the 1690s of the Salem Witch trials.
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