Wednesday, January 3, 2018

My one word for 2018

Joy has many explanations and meanings to the one word. Joy can be good and joy can be upsetting but most think of it as joy. i chose joy for my word of 2018, i need to show more joy to people in 2018.

In 2017 i had hardly any joy, i was never happy really and came off in a bad mood most of the time. the meaning of joy is ¨a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. i chose this word because in 2018 i want to show more joy to the world and have more of an impact on peoples lives in 2018. i feel as if i show joy to people then they will have a better day and then they will show joy to others as well.

Back in 2015 i lost my best friend to a car accident, after that wreck i lost all of my trust, all of my joy, and a lot of my happiness. It took me a while to get my trust and happiness back but for some reason i just couldn´t get the joy back in my life that i had before that wreck. So i made a commitment that in 2018 i would get my joy back and show it to others. i want this whole world to have joy and i feel as if i show joy then others will.

In conclusion i chose joy for many reasons, but the one main reason i chose it is because it is something that i need to gain back and start showing more this year. i have a plan to do that and share my joy with others, everywhere. who knows it could change someones day by just saying ¨hi how are you.¨

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