Friday, November 3, 2017


Hackers in general need to be stopped and taken care of, hackers are getting more and more populated these days its unreal. i feel as if thats one reason we have so much terrorist stuff going on is because of hackers as well as other substances, but hackers are helping them get stuff and leaking info to terrorist.

in the article, it simply explains about hackers and what they are doing. i am here to write about my thoughts on hackers, hackers should be stopped and when we know who is hacking we need to get them and fine them or put them in jail, simple as that becuase they are somewhat breaking the law with the things they are doing.

alot of people in  the U.S have been hacked, in the article it states ¨The recent data breach at Equifax, one of the three major credit reporting agencies, exposed the personal information of more than 145 million Americans, including Social Security numbers, driver's license data, birth dates, and addresses. As many as 75 percent of U.S. adults with a credit score may have been victimized.¨
that is alot of people to be victimized by hackers and they need to be stopped. these hackers are getting away with things and leaking things that dont need to be said or leaked. 

in conclusion  its time we do something about these hackers and what all they are getting away with, its time to stop them and put them behind bars. If we dont things could get very bad, for example if we had a war plan and someone hacked into it and got it and showed it top the enemy then they would know what all we are doing and where we are and what all we have. Its time to stop the hackers

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